Saturday 4 March 2017

1.Grey colour
The Hulk was originally gray, not green. After exposure to a gamma radiation blast, scientist Bruce Banner turned into the gray-skinned Hulk from sunset to sunrise. However, the gray color was difficult to print and by issue No. 2 of "The Incredible Hulk" comic book series, Hulk turned into the hyperbolically muscled Green Genes weknow today.

2.Hulk has 4 children

                 Incredible Hulk FactsThe Hulk has been married three timesand has four childrenDespite being a founding member of theAvengers, the Hulk left after only oneissue. He did not rejoin for another hoty years.

3.Four Actors Have Played

             The HulkJust a single actor has played Iron Man throughout Marvels' films (Robert Downy Jr.), butnearly half a dozen actors have played the Hulk. The first person to portray the mean-green superhero was Lou Ferrigno in the Incredible Hulk TV series, which on the CBS network from 1978 to 1982 for a total of five seasons. Eric Bana was next in line with the 2003 film Hulk, followed by Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk, and Mark Ruffalo in The Avengers, Iron Man 3, and the upcoming Marvel film The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Scientists can make “HULK” mice by genetically manipulating the Grb10intracellular adaptor protein.

Lou Ferrigno – The Incredible Hulk TV series, The Incredible Hulk Returns TV movie, The Trialof the Incredible Hulk TV movie, The Death of the Incredible Hulk TV movie, The Incredible Hulk (voice only), The Avengers.

Eric Bana – Hulk

Edward Norton – The Incredible Hulk

Mark Ruffalo – The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron

4.Red hulk

      Other than the Abomination, the Red Hulk was one of the Hulk’s most popular enemies. The character was introduced during a 23 issue run, that had fans wondering-who was this new enemy was? Red Hulk had defeated Abomination, something that the Hulk was never able to do. Fans were desperately putting clues together trying to discover the identity of this foe, only to find out that it was in fact Bruce Banner’s greatest enemy.

5.Unknown power

         ThunderclapThe Hulk can slam his hands together to create alarge thunderclap-type concussive force. He has imployed this for various reasons including creating a concussive blast to hurt enemies, to blow away gas or put out fires, or even deafen people.

          Before the X-Men comic books, Wolverine was originally an enemy of the Hulk. In the 1974 issue of The Incredible Hulk #180, the original Wolverine did not have retractable claws but instead he wore gloves with claws attached. He had animal-like senses and rage with Spider-man like strength.