What is characterisation?
* Characterisation is a literary device that is used step by step in literature to highlight and explain the details about character in a story.
*Shorty described as "Giving a sketch to a character"
*It is very important also for story telling.
*It can make the story or a film very amazing.
Protagonist:main leading role in play or film
Antagonist: Antagonist is the opposite of Protagonist.
In dark knight..
1.Psychology of characters
The main protagonist is batman.We simply feels that there is something dark in past background of Batman.As well as Joker(original psychology is too complex this is only for comparison) who is main antagonist of Batman. He also get some darkness in his past.This is past state of characters in the movie.
2.Philosophy of characters
Batman is "Statist".And Joker is purely "anarchist".They have opposite nature of philosophical ethics,In their selves.
Statism: A political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.Batman is pure statist
Anarchism: The belief that all forms of goverment are oppressive and therefore undesirable.Joker is pure anarchism.
"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos...
3.Moral of antagonist
1.Give the selection dilemma to protagonist.
2.Use the great weakness of the protagonist.
In the way we can see the joker's character is written by these points perfectly.
1.In the movie Joker kills the citizens and officials of the Gotham city and force the Batman to unmask himself.And he gave the dilemma to Batman that is.."Harvey or Rachel "
2.After the chase scene in the way of Harvey 's ride to jail..Batman fastly drive his vehicle to kill Joker.But Joker knows he has some ethical laws.So Joker use that weakness of the Batman.
3.Ambition of characters
Both Joker and Batman's aim was Gotham.Batman want to save that but joker want to destroy it.But their desire is based on Gotham.
3.Two face
Harvey is two face in the movie.let us analyze the characterization of natureless character.Who is that? Yes Harvey is that.
2.And He is perfectly fit for philosophy of people by Joker.Because Joker treat Harvey like his thought of people simply "Joker use Harvey as a weapon"
3.His mentality is totally different.
The double-headed coin is Two-Face's favored possession and the tool that aids his weapon of choice, making descisions.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
- Two face
Credits: Warner Bros,DC comics,
Editor: Gautam bhatra