The Departed is a 2006 American crime drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by William Monahan. It is a remake of the 2002 Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs. The story about the an undercover agent and an espionage agent try to counter-attack each other in order to save themselves from being exposed in front of the authorities.
Leonardo DiCaprio as William "Billy" Costigan Jr.
Matt Damon as Staff Sgt Colin Sullivan
Conor Donovan as young Colin Sullivan
Jack Nicholson as Francis "Frank" Costello
Mark Wahlberg as Staff Sgt. Sean Dignam
Martin Sheen as Capt. Oliver Charles Queenan
Ray Winstone as Arnold "Frenchy" French
Vera Farmiga as Dr. Madolyn Madden
Anthony Anderson as Trooper Brown
Alec Baldwin as Capt. George Ellerby
Kevin Corrigan as Sean Costigan
The film was a critical and commercial success and won several awards, including four Oscars at the79th Academy Awards .Best Picture,Best Director,Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Film Editing.Wahlberg was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor.